
Pharmathek’s 10th anniversary

The pharmacy automation’s sector is young, so the fact that Pharmathek celebrated its 10th anniversary is a really important fact for the company’s history.

Ten years during which Pharmathek has continuously invested in research and development to offer increasingly efficient and innovative solutions to its customers.

Ten years that are worth celebrating with those who have always believed in the company.

That’s why, in the splendid location of Rome, the Eternal City, on November 16th Pharmathek organized a conference for both celebrating the stages achieved by the company in this decade and for presenting the latest technological innovations, including the new Pharmaload 2.0 with automatic acquisition of 100% expiry dates.

During this conference, many Pharmathek’s clients were invited to share their experience with the company and its robots. Each client chose to install a Pharmathek automated warehouse for different reasons and purposes, but there was one fact able to gather all the testimonials: the pharmacists are really happy about this choice.

And Pharmathek can’t do nothing but be proud of this success, aiming to replicate it in the next ten years!